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dramatic arts造句

"dramatic arts"是什么意思  
  • The semiologic comprehension of the dramatic art
  • Computer vs modern reform in dramatic art
  • National institute of dramatic art
  • On wen yiduo's dramatic arts
  • In may of 1932, vivien began to study at rada, the royal academy of dramatic art in london
  • "primarily in recognition of his fruitful, varied and outstanding production in the realm of dramatic art
  • British actor and theatrical producer who founded the royal academy of dramatic art ( 1904 )
  • All actor is planting the honor, is bringing the prosperity nationality dramatic art ideal, is rooted in inner mongolia
  • Wang xingang, a well-known dalian-born artist, began his career from modern dramatic art when he was younger than 20
  • In such feeble tendencies, be it known, such outworking of desire to reproduce life, lies the basis of all dramatic art
  • It's difficult to see dramatic arts in a sentence. 用dramatic arts造句挺难的
  • The classic comedy reality may become pretence . was brought to stage at shanghai dramatic arts centre on november 15th
  • Fu xi-ru ( zi dan, hamlet ) graduated from the college of dancing and chinese opera, affiliated to the shanghai institute of dramatic arts
  • Chinese traditional dramas are characteristic of " suppositionality " in performance which represents the imaginative expression of dramatic arts
  • These were early indications of dramatic art that no doubt were of benefit to me, above all when i began to draw comic strips before i learned to write
  • These were early indications of dramatic art that no doubt were of benefit to me, above all when i began to draw comic strips before i learned to write
  • "who's the valentine ", a new-year comic play directed by yang xinwei, is to be staged at shanghai dramatic arts centre from jan . 5 to late february in the upcoming new year
  • Born on december 31, 1937 as the only son of a baker, welsh actor anthony hopkins was drawn to the theatre while attending the ymca at age 17, and later learned the basics of his craft at london s royal academy of dramatic art
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